Chan Lineage

The Chan teaching, introduced into China by the Indian Patriarch Bodhidharma, is not only strictly connected with the original teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha but represents in itself the essence of the whole Buddhadharma, the heart of the heart. It is this teaching that shaped entire cultures of most northern Asian countries, including philosophy, architecture, music, literature, painting, tea, etc.

This teaching was particularly emphasized by Great Master Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng in Tang Dynasty in China (AC 618-907) in the famous Platform Sutra. This teaching represents the real essence of Orthodox Chinese Buddhism. 

It is the Formless Perfect Supreme Vehicle Chan that points directly to the human mind and enables people to realize their inherent Buddha-Nature and to ascend directly to Buddhahood.

By studying and directly applying the Chan Principles under the guidance of an experienced master, ordinary people can rapidly achieve a more satisfying life with fewer afflictions, and be at ease in the midst of a chaotic world. Through applying inherent wisdom and compassion, any situation will be a liberating situation.

This Chan Transmission has been carried through centuries from Patriarch to Patriarch into our era.
